HumbleBundle has been raising money for charities through its games sales for a while now, and this week it's teaming with another charity for some great deals.

The Humble Awesome Games Done Quick 2015 Bundle features some awesome games complementing the Twitch speedrunner channel event happening right now. The Bundle is raising money for the Prevent Cancer Foundation, a foundation dedicated to finding and detecting cancer at the first sign. The Twitch channel will run from Jan. 4-10 and features a gaming marathon of players speedrunning different games. Both the Twitch channel and the Humble Bundle will be looking to raise funds for the foundation. The games included in the Humble Bundle are as follows:

Players can also choose how much money goes to the game developers, how much money goes to the charity, and how much money goes to Humble Bundle.

With all of the games out on Steam for Windows and a few out on Steam for Linux, Mac, and Windows, the time to buy is now... or before the deal ends in six days.

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