Google Play Removing Dozens of Swing Copters Clones
Google Play has decided to remove the dozens of ripoffs of Dong Nguyen's newest game from its digital marketplace.
We recently said that over 25 clones of Flappy Bird creator Dong Nguyen's newest game, Swing Copters, appeared on the digital market within the first day of its release. It looks like Google Play is putting a stop to it, according to Polygon. There were close to 100 clones of Swing Copters on the marketplace already. Now that Google Play has started eliminating these clones, searching for Swing Copters is a lot easier than before.
Many of these clones are blatant ripoffs, simply try to make money off of Flappy Bird's popularity during the beginning of the year. Swing Copters Game, Swing Copters Free, Copters Swing, Swing Copters 2 and Swinging Copter are just some of names of these lackluster titles trying to leech off of Nguyen's success.
Here was what the Google Store looked like a few days ago when you would try to search for Swing Copters:
This is what it looks like now:
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