Final Fantasy: Record Keeper Hits One Million Downloads in Two Weeks
Just two weeks after it launched across the globe on mobile platforms, Final Fantasy: Record Keeper has amassed over one million downloads, Square Enix announced.
The Square Enix and DeNA co-developed game lets players assemble a team of well known characters from the Final Fantasy universe (and one new character named Tyro) and relive some of the most memorable scenes from the series. Each scene plays out in a series of retro-style battles with the authentic music from whatever game the scene is from. Best of all, it's a free download, so Final Fantasy aficionados might want to consider becoming part of the next million downloads.
To thank the early adopters, Square and DeNA are adding one Mythril to each of the Daily Prize bonuses from April 11 to April 16. Mythril allows players to participate in Rare Relic Drops in the hopes of gaining a legendary Final Fantasy weapon of armor, and each drop happens to cost one Mythril, so this is essentially one free Rare Drop each day.
In addition, a new challenge event has opened up that gives players the chance to fight through Mount Ordeals from Final Fantasy IV and recruit both the Dark Knight and Paladin sides of Cecil. This is running concurrently with the Shinra Legends event that offers Tifa Lockheart and Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII as bonuses.
It seems Square Enix and DeNA has figured out how to do mobile right with Record Keeper, and players are making it known with their downloads. We'll have to see if Record Keeper maintains a steady rise in downloads, and if it does every mobile player many have to consider checking it out. This is an excellent sign for DeNA's upcoming Nintendo-based mobile games.