Borderlands Timeline Summarizes the Previous Games for Newcomers
Learn the stories of Handsome Jack, Claptrap and all of the Vault Hunters as the events of Borderlands 1-2 are explained in this handy, spoiler-filled timeline.
Polygon posted a visual timeline of the Borderlands story that legitimately summarizes the plots of Borderlands 1 and 2 for those newcomers going into The Pre-Sequel. Let it be known that there are massive spoilers for the stories of Borderlands 1-2, but only a general, two-sentence-long description of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel's premise. This timeline was obviously made for those new to the franchise going into The Pre-Sequel and those who forgot most of the story of 1 and 2, remembering only the series' plethora of ordnance. We were rather disappointed at Scooter not being mentioned in this timeline.
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel is out now for Xbox 360, PC and PlayStation 3. Make sure you keep an eye out for our upcoming review.