Gearbox Software emerges from the Vault of Pandora to let us know the details of how to transfer your previous saves to Borderlands: The Handsome Collection, as well as what kind of bonuses you get for it.
With the launch of Destiny and the latest installment in the Borderlands franchise, the genre is arguably straddling the line between strong and stagnant. What keeps this genre that does the same things wrong, time after time, floating and lucrative?
Learn the stories of Handsome Jack, Claptrap and all of the Vault Hunters as the events of Borderlands 1-2 are explained in this handy, spoiler-filled timeline.
The Borderlands team has released a new developer diary for Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, highlighting the game’s new lunar environment along with some of the unique weapons and abilities that will be used by the new Vault Hunters.
Gearbox is releasing in-game costumes for Borderlands 2, which allows its characters to dress up as the new protagonists of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.