Borderlands: The Handsome Collection Trailer: You Can’t Get More Dashing Than This
Seems like no matter where you go, you just can't out run Borderlands. Especially now that it's coming to the Xbox One and PlayStation 4.
Now, players can follow Handsome Jack through his entire adventure in this compilation of Boderlands games that not only includes Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, but also all of the DLCs for both games. The DLCs will include all content that has come out up to the release date of Borderlands: The Handsome Collection. The new collection will also include cross-platform saving so that you can pick up where you left off in either game. Another new feature to Borderlands is a four-way split screen so that four friends can play the game at once.
There won't just be an ordinary release for this Borderlands collection, either. The Borderlands: The Handsome Edition Claptrap-in-a-Box Edition includes everything previously mentioned as well as a remote control Claptrap, 12 exclusive lithographs and a collectible Steel Case. Now, you'll be able to wheel Claptrap around your own house using PCB Gyro technology so that he really does balance on one wheel. You can check out exactly what Claptrap sees through a camera in his "eye" on your mobile device and make him say one of many phrases on command.
Both of these new Borderlands editions will be coming for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on March 24, with the standard version being $59.99 and the Borderlands: The Handsome Edition Claptrap-in-a-Box Edition being $399 at select retailers. You can check out more details about the two collections on Borderland's blog.
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