Borderlands: The Handsome Collection’s Data Transferring Explained
Gearbox Software emerges from the Vault of Pandora to let us know the details of how to transfer your previous saves to Borderlands: The Handsome Collection, as well as what kind of bonuses you get for it.
With just a few days left until Borderlands: The Handsome Collection brings together The Pre-Sequel and the sequel together for current-gen consoles, Gearbox Software has revealed how you'll transfer your data and continue your hunt for the Vault. Anyone who played Borderlands 2 and/or Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel on Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 will be able to transfer their saves within the same console family for The Handsome Collection. PS Vita players will also be able to transfer their Borderlands 2 saves as well. You'll need to download the latest patches for Borderlands 2 and The Pre-Sequel, which will launch this week. You simply go to the main menu on your PS3, Xbox 360 or PS Vita's Borderlands game and select "Cross Save" for PlayStation consoles or "Cloud Save" for Xbox consoles and choose the "Upload Save" option. While playing The Handsome Collection, you simply select "Download Save" from the main menu to import the data.
Please note that you will not be able to move your Xbox One saves back over to the Xbox 360 version, whereas the PlayStation trio of systems (PS4, PS3 and PS Vita) will allow you to interchange saves whenever and however you'd like. Don't worry — uploading saves won't erase your old one (it merely creates a copy). .
Here's what carries over from importing a save:
- Character level and all mission progress
- Badass Points (all of these will transfer, but you’ll get to re-spend them)
- Backpack inventory
- Weapon slots
- Cash and Eridum/Moonstones
- All unlocked character customizations (heads/skins) ***note that customizations obtained from Telltale’s Poker Night 2 will be added in a patch following launch***
- Items stored in the bank in Sanctuary
Note that items stored in Claptrap’s Secret Stash in Borderlands 2 will NOT transfer along with your save, so be sure to move anything you can’t live without to the bank. Trophies and Achievements will also not transfer over and will need to be re-earned. Your Golden Key balance will also not transfer.
While your Golden Keys may not transfer over, all transferring players will get the following bonuses:
Borderlands 2
- 75 Golden Keys
- A healthy chunk of Badass Rank
- Bonus character customizations
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
- 75 Golden Keys
- A healthy chunk of Badass Rank
- Bonus unique weapons and character customizations
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection will launch on March 24 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
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