Xenoblade Chronicles 3D Trailer: Monsters, Amiibo and More
Monolith Soft has released a new trailer Xenoblade Chronicles 3D, and it comes with a release date for this New Nintendo 3DS port.
The game that originally came out as a science fiction role-playing game for the Wii in 2010 is now heading to the New Nintendo 3DS as Xenoblade Chronicles 3D. That's right, Xenoblade Chronicles is back, and is one of the New Nintendo 3DS' first exclusives. Polygon reports that the game will come with some new features that will make it worth the jump to the New 3DS, such as StreetPass and amiibo support. You can get special tokens by meeting other New 3DS owners around you. Even more tokens can be gained by having the Shulk amiibo. The Shulk amiibo is a GameStop exclusive so, make sure to look for it there before going anywhere else. These tokens can be used to unlock music and in-game character models, which is pretty sweet.
You can check out the trailer above for some intense gameplay action while you wait for Xenoblade Chronicles 3D to come out for the New Nintendo 3DS XL on April 10.