These robot pals put their circuits on the line to get us to the end of their respective games and they do it in sheer, sleek style. These are the 10 best robot buddies in video games.
Each of these former bad guys has a distinct place in gaming history, let alone a memorable part in their own contained universe. These are the best bad guys turned good.
Nearly every Final Fantasy, Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger and Earthbound character from the SNES make up this amazing collage featuring over 13,000 individual sprites.
The time-travelling, 16-bit adventure that many people consider the greatest RPG of all time, Chrono Trigger, was originally intended to spawn its own series of games, according to its lead designer.
Danger Mouse made a name for himself years ago with The Grey Album, a mashup of Jay-Z's The Black Album and The Beatles' White Album. Now 2 Mello, a rapper who hails from Lexington, Kentucky, has mixed Jay-Z's rhymes with the soundtrack to the Super Nintendo title Chrono Trigger.