Sony Santa Monica Confirms a New God of War in Development
Sony Santa Monica is working hard at bringing back its flagship franchise. That's right, our favorite, angry Spartan has a new God of War title in the works.
During the God of War retrospective at the PlayStation Experience convention in Las Vegas, Sony Santa Monica's Creative Director Cory Barlog confirmed the development of a new entry of the series, IGN reports. Unfortunately, Barlog remained rather tight-lipped about the nature of the project, but he did mention that it was not any kind of prequel to the current series. IGN mentions that Sony's Scott Rohde hinted that the studio could do a reboot of the series after Sony Santa Monica was hit with layoffs at the beginning of the year.
Barlog said his team would talk about the project more within "the next year or two." This means that the game is still in its earliest stages of development. If it's going to take a year or two just for Sony Santa Monica to openly talk about the project, we can easily assume this game will be a PlayStation 4 exclusive -- it would be too late to do a major PS3 title by then. A studio like Sony Santa Monica wouldn't spend more than two years doing a God of War game just for PS Vita and PlayStation 4 owners are already itching for their own entry of the Kratos series.
Kratos has already conquered Mount Olympus, it's time he moves on to the PS4.
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