Siren (Final Fantasy 8) – Cosplay of the Day
In today's Cosplay of the Day, we take a look at another summon from the Final Fantasy series. Leave your ears unplugged and check out Siren, from Final Fantasy 8.
Siren is a series staple and often Silences her foes during her time onscreen. In Final Fantasy 8, she is a Guardian Force who takes on the form of a beautiful woman who plays a harp and appears barely clothed, wrapped in feathers. True to her modus operandi, she silences all enemies and damages them. We definitely enjoy this siren's song.
Here is Candyheartcollector, a cosplayer from the US who has faithfully recreated Siren's look, showing us how the Guardian Force would appear in real life. Although most parts of the outfit are bound by the laws of gravity, she still looks like the high-flying summon and is just as beautiful.
Check out her work on deviantART, where you'll see some cool Powerpuff Girls, Harry Potter, and Sailor Moon cosplay.
Want your Cosplay to be seen? Send your info to john@arcadesushi.com and we may feature you in our Cosplay of the Day!
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