Thomas Chau

Borderlands Comic Book Series “The Fall of Fyrestone” Coming in July
IDW Publishing has announced that a comic book series set in the world of Borderlands will be coming in July. The series will be titled The Fall of Fyrestone.

Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris Previewed at E3 2014
At E3 2014 this week, Square Enix & Crystal Dynamics revealed that Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris would be coming soon to PS4, Xbox One and PC.

Super Smash Bros. Video: Mega Man’s Final Smash is a Multi-Generational Blast
During the Super Smash Bros. Invitational, Nintendo unveiled what will be Mega Man's Final Smash in the upcoming Super Smash Bros. game for the Wii U. For the Final Smash, players who have chosen to play as Mega Man will see different incarnations of the robot boy hero as team together for a giant, explosive simultaneous blast.

Final Fantasy Explorers Heading to Nintendo 3DS
Final Fantasy fans can expect another entry in the series, Final Fantasy Explorers, to be coming to the Nintendo 3DS soon. Jump Magazine reports that the multiplayer action RPG is being developed by Square Enix, and will be making its way onto Nintendo's portable handheld.

Riot Games Isn’t Thinking About Making League of Legends 2
Riot Games has announced that they don't expect to ever create a sequel to the wildly popular MOBA game, League of Legends. Instead, Riot will continue to update the current League of Legends game with updates and patches in place of full game sequels.

Titanfall Video: Free the Frontier
Respawn has released a short live-action clip titled Titanfall: Free the Frontier.

Final Fantasy Agito, Final Fantasy Type-0 Coming to North America
Square Enix has announced that English versions of the popular Japanese games Final Fantasy Type-0 and Final Fantasy Agito will be coming to North America and Europe.

Fantasy Life E3 2014 Trailer: Bringing the Magic to North America
Nintendo announced at E3 2014 that Fantasy Life, the popular Japanese role-playing game released in 2013, will be released in North America.

Super Smash Bros. E3 2014 Trailer: Palutena Alights!
Nintendo showed a clip at E3 2014 which reveals that Lady Palutena, and perhaps Dark Pit, will be playable characters in Super Smash Bros.

Hyrule Warriors E3 2014 Trailer: Triforce of Awesome
Nintendo released a trailer for Hyrule Warriors, giving us a first look at gameplay and what players can expect from the action hack-and-slash game.