League of Legends

Cosplay of Legends
Cosplay of Legends
Cosplay of Legends
League of Legends never fails to inspire cosplayers to craft costumes and accessories based on the game's many characters. The list of LoL characters and their alternate costumes is seemingly endless, which results in cosplayers donning many different looks. Today, we're going to check out Sona, the Maven of the Strings.
Thank Riot Games for filling League of Legends with so many awesome characters, especially ones with designs that beg to be cosplayed. Our Cosplay of the Day features Ahri, the nine-tailed fox who dreams of becoming human. And it's a good thing that she did, so that cosplayers could recreate her look.
Katarina Cosplay
Katarina Cosplay
Katarina Cosplay
We're big believers in quality over quantity over here at Arcade Sushi, and so sometimes we'll come across a cosplayer who might not have many photos or a wide variety of cosplays, but instead displays great mastery of their craft. We've found one such cosplayer who's got a cosplay for League of Legends' Katarina that's so good, we couldn't help but feature it as Cosplay of the Day!
League of Legends Breaks 5 Million Concurrent Players
League of Legends Breaks 5 Million Concurrent Players
League of Legends Breaks 5 Million Concurrent Players
League of Legends is a pretty old game at this point but that doesn't mean it can’t keep growing. Riot Games, the developer of LoL, has recently announced that they logged five million players concurrently playing League of Legends all at once. This completely shattered their previous record of three million concurrent players set back in October of 2012.