Sony is going to start letting PlayStation Plus subscribers vote for their free monthly games to download.

The PlayStation Blog has announced that PS Plus subscribers will soon be able to vote for future games to appear as upcoming Instant Game Collection (free) downloads. Better yet, the ones that don't make it have a chance of getting their prices slashed for the month as well. The "Vote to Play" initiative will allow PlayStation Plus subscribers to pick their choices out of multiple PS4 games to appear as part of the upcoming month's Instant Game Collection.

I have to admit, I'm digging this decision, but there's a trade-off. PlayStation Plus' Instant Game Collection obviously has had plenty of clunkers throughout its history. At the same time, some surprisingly excellent games were also given out in this manner. Letting fans choose which games will be available the following month kind of cuts back on giving some of these lesser known indie games a chance to shine. For example, I have rarely heard about Rocket League until I saw it as July's free PS Plus download. Psyonix just announced that Rocket League has been played by over 5 million players, a number it would never have reached by itself without being a part of the Instant Game Collection on the PSN. Would fans have voted for Rocket League as a free PS Plus offering? Maybe, maybe not.

Nevertheless, I'm glad to see Sony trying to give fans what they want and to offer the runner ups at a discount. I hope this doesn't mean that PS Plus' monthly choices are going to go downhill in quality and the voting system is there just to make us feel better about it. We'll just have to wait and see.

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