
Read lists curated by our expert video game editorial team to help you decide what the games to buy are.

10 Best Folktale Monsters in Games
10 Best Folktale Monsters in Games
10 Best Folktale Monsters in Games
Folktale monsters take on a variety of forms in video games. Sometimes it can be as simple as being a standard enemy along the way, but not always. Other times these monsters come into play in ghastly ways that re-invite them into our nightmares. They can also simply be the foundation by which a game introduces a unique and fleshed out character with relative ease. Whatever the case, folklore and especially its monsters are alive and well in video games. Here we have the 10 best folktale monsters in games.
Worst to First: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six
Worst to First: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six
Worst to First: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six
In a scene dominated by the likes of Halo and Call of Duty, we're always glad to look back at a series that always tries to do something different. We decided not to include any of the series' expansions, as many of the PC Rainbow Six games had a slew of add-ons that you were able to get. Put your gas masks on and get ready to breach the door, because we're about to take down the Rainbow Six series, and we're going from Worst to First.
10 Best Video Game Families
10 Best Video Game Families
10 Best Video Game Families
As everyone is crowding around the dinner table for the holidays, getting ready to carve up a bird and gorge on side dishes, it's time we look back at our favorite families we've encountered throughout video game history. Family often sets the backdrop for your character's past. Many of times, family is used as the catalyst for the events of a story, whether its an abducted child or a sibling you have to rescue/protect. After a while, there were simply too many generic damsels in distress you could rescue. In order to help create a story players could be invested in, developers started throwing family members into the mix.
10 Best NES Platformers
10 Best NES Platformers
10 Best NES Platformers
It's time we look at the golden age of gaming, back to a time when children would crowd around a TV screen and get frustrated at how tough Ninja Gaiden and Mega Man were. Many developers and publishers were hoping to try and recreate the widespread success of the original Super Mario Bros. throughout the mid-to-late 1980s. As a result, many of the earlier platforming games of the NES library simply tried replicating the Super Mario formula. Some were decent, and some where horrible. Luckily, developers started refining their trade over the years, learning to enhance what worked and eliminate what didn't in order to provide some quality platforming experiences. Now, it’s time we look back at the best of the best when it comes to jumping around on the Nintendo Entertainment System.
10 Hungriest Game Characters
10 Hungriest Game Characters
10 Hungriest Game Characters
With Thanksgiving on the horizon, gamers all across the United States will partake in some epic feasts, likely topping things off with some pumpkin pie and a few video game sessions with the family. While Thanksgiving was originally supposed to be a feast of appreciation for a good harvest throughout the year, it of course has become a commercialized shadow of its original intent. Supermarkets are jacking up the prices of canned cranberry sauce and gravy, so it's time we look at the real core of the holiday: gluttony. Throughout the history of gaming, there have been all kinds of characters we've seen with insatiable, otherworldly appetites, and it's time we look at the characters who can gorge through copious, even astronomical amounts of food without faltering.
10 Best Weapons in Destiny: The Taken King
10 Best Weapons in Destiny: The Taken King
10 Best Weapons in Destiny: The Taken King
Even players that swore by mainstays like the MIDA Multi-Tool or the Icebreaker have found something to love with all of the new toys we've been given with the Taken King expansion. There are even a few surprises thrown in for players who loved their old legendary weapons. Here are the ten most powerful weapons in Destiny: The Taken King.
10 Best Real-Time Strategy Games
10 Best Real-Time Strategy Games
10 Best Real-Time Strategy Games
The term real-time strategy may have spawn from Dune II, but this genre of games has multiplied and evolved to become a big cornerstone of the video game industry, especially when it comes to PC gaming. RTS games take a lot of previous stategy game tropes and mechanics, focusing on unit, building and resource management, usually during times of warfare. For most games of the genre, you generally have to generate resources (usually by having a unit farm them somehow), use those resources to create buildings and have the buildings spawn additional units. Units usually consist of different builder/farmer and combat-oriented types. Proper time management and intuitive use of your forces and capabilities are a must as you continuously try upgrading and increasing your bases and forces while putting pressure on the enemies, who are trying to do the same thing.
Worst to First: Call of Duty
Worst to First: Call of Duty
Worst to First: Call of Duty
To celebrate the release of Call of Duty: Black Ops III, we're reloading and staying in cover as we review the 10 best hits of the franchise, going from worst to first. Ever since we first played as Private Joe Martin in the original 2003 Call of Duty and starting mowing down Nazis during Operation Overlord (the Battle of Normandy), players felt like their actions were important and greatly impacted both the battlefield and the lives of their fellow soldiers onscreen. There was something about the franchise that just made it standout from its contemporaries. While Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare would help the series become a household name and an online multiplayer phenomenon, lets not forget its origins.

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