Action Games

Action games are about physical challenges, which include reaction-time and hand–eye coordination. An action game on may touch many subgenres like platform games, fighting games, shooter games and more.

Mafia III Review
Mafia III Review
Mafia III Review
Mafia III's biggest strength is the ambitious narrative developer Hangar 13 has chosen to explore. At a time in our own lives that eerily echoes the world of Lincoln Clay's New Bordeaux, there are a lot of parallels to be drawn from this story. It's smart and engaging, and challenges players to think about their perception of the world when tasked with walking in the shoes of someone the world is clearly against. At least, that's true for the most part. Once you start bringing murders and delving deeper into the actual gameplay of Mafia III, you'll find there's a disconnect between the game and the story it's trying to tell. You'll also find it's frustratingly repetitive and riddled with glitches.
Skylanders: Imaginators Review
Skylanders: Imaginators Review
Skylanders: Imaginators Review
With a big cast of characters, colorful scenery, fairly clever joke writing, and pick-up and play gameplay, Skylanders: Imaginators feels like a playable Saturday morning cartoon where you can insert your own hero into the fray.
From Outcast to Idol in Rockstar's Bully
From Outcast to Idol in Rockstar's Bully
From Outcast to Idol in Rockstar's Bully
When Bully came out today in 2006, it surprised players with its over-the-top tale of a protagonist rising from a rock-bottom background to do away with the scumbags that would terrorize his new school and become the hero of his classmates.
Chaos Abounds When We Go Hands-On With Dishonored 2
Chaos Abounds When We Go Hands-On With Dishonored 2
Chaos Abounds When We Go Hands-On With Dishonored 2
At New York Comic Con, I got to go hands-on with Dishonored 2 for the first time since it was announced. It's interesting how easily I was able to fall back into old habits from the first game despite Dishonored 2 having a number of differences. Most notably, Emily and Corvo have powersets all their own. I stuck with Emily for the duration of my playthrough this time, mostly because I spent dozens of hours with Corvo in the past, but also to see how her abilities freshened up the experience.
Hitman - Colorado Review
Hitman - Colorado Review
Hitman - Colorado Review
The challenge is well executed here, but the weakness in Hitman’s episodic structure starts to show with how out of place this chapter feels in context with the previous missions.

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