Greatest Game Art Ever (This Week): Titans, Warlocks, Hunters + More
In this edition of the Greatest Game Art Ever, we're taking a look at fan art inspired by all of Guardians and galaxy-exploring awesomeness of Destiny.
Destiny has arrived and it's threatening to destroy all of our free time and whatever ounces of productivity are left within us. But could you blame us for being excited to shoot around the galaxy, explore planets, dispatch evil aliens and grab copious amounts of loot to gear ourselves out. Whether you're a Titan, a Hunter or a Warlock, your role in protecting the City and acting as a stalwart Guardian is totally boss. Check out the fan art below to see just how much gamers and artists are loving Destiny.
We’re dying to see all the art you’ve come across or created in honor of your favorite games. If you have an artist or portfolio you’d like us to check out, please submit a link to Additionally, if there are any artists that we’ve highlighted who wish their works to be removed, please reach out to let us know. Where possible, please visit these artists’ websites to see more of their work, buy their products or commission an original piece.
Destiny Fan-Art by QuinSepter
Destiny - Hunter by DarkMechanic
Destiny by goku252525
Destiny FanArt 2 by SavoryBaconist
Destiny: Female Exo Warlock by I-am-knot
Destiny - Moon Assault Fireteam by Fuelreaver
Bungie Destiny Fan Art by Kaelakov
Destiny Warlock Fan Art by Azlaar
Destiny Fan Art by beaulamb1992
Destiny by HuntAng
Destiny Miniposter by PlainBen
Destiny by HuntAng
Destiny - Grand Warlock by TheSpicyHole
Destiny: Titan Concept by PlainBen
Assault on the Hive - Destiny Fan Art by rhazza
Destiny Awaits by shrimpy99
Destiny - Guardian Hunter by CISOLR
Destiny Hunter Wallpaper by Epicninja117
Destiny Devil Walker by Chrysoskies
Strawberry Milk by Harpiya