Dungeon Travelers 2 Coming to Western Shores This Summer
Have you been looking for a dungeon-crawling JRPG grindfest starring an almost all-female cast and featuring over 100 hours of gameplay (despite the trailer not actually showing any)? Atlus probably had you covered already but now has you covered again with Dungeon Travelers 2: The Royal Library & the Monster Seal, which the publisher revealed is coming to America on the PlayStation Vita this summer.
The game, under development by AquaPazza studio AquaPlus, features a young adventurer named Fried as he enlists the help of 16 young girls from the kingdom of Romulea as he tries to save it from a nasty scourge. The game features "a first-person perspective with turn-based combat" and will pit players against a large assortment of monsters, including "powerful mutant girls who must be sealed away to prevent the spread of the evil monster scourge."
Complexity seems to be a major part of this game, as it features an in-depth class system where characters can evolve from one of five core classes into one of the dozen subclasses available. For example, according to the announcement, "a Magic User can become a Sorceress, which can specialize into Magical Princess." Who wouldn't want to be a Magical Princess?
This sounds like a game tailor-made for those who love anime, RPGs, and hours and hours of grinding through dungeons. We don't know that it's going to save the Vita any time soon, but the portable continues to foster a strong RPG lineup and this game will only bolster it. We still have a lot of hope for the little Vita that could, so maybe other publishers will follow Atlus's lead and bring their games to a portable that desperately needs new games.
We should note that there's not really any gameplay shown here, as more and more JRPG PS Vita games are adhering to the trailer formula of a J-pop song playing with scantily clad anime-like females appearing on screen (you sometimes get high pitched voiceovers if you're lucky).
Dungeon Travelers 2: The Royal Library & the Monster Seal will launch exclusively on the PlayStation Vita sometime this summer.
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