Dizzy is one of those characters that can be very difficult to cosplay due to her large wings and somewhat revealing outfit. But we always like seeing this character done right, and you can bet we'll feature anyone who can pull off this dizzying cosplay. Let's welcome Guilty Gear's Dizzy as she makes her second Cosplay of the Day feature.

Dizzy's a character from Guilty Gear with a 500,000 World-Dollar bounty on her pretty little head, which is a shame because she's a great fighter with one of the most unique looks in gaming. We're hoping that this Gear makes an appearance in the upcoming Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-.

This is Hazu-Nyan, a Chilean cosplayer with a flair for cosplaying cute anime characters that she gives her own personal touch. Her Dizzy costume is as accurate as it can be without toting around an actual pair of ethereal beings on her wings. The only thing this Gear is guilty of is being entirely too cute.

Check out more of her great cosplay work on her deviantART and be sure to take a look at her awesome, gender-bending Luffy cosplay.


Want your Cosplay to be seen? Send your info to john@arcadesushi.com and we may feature you in our Cosplay of the Day!

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