All good things must come to an end, and after a year of continual support for Mass Effect 3's multiplayer, BioWare will say goodbye with the longest event yet.

Operation: Lodestar will be the last hurrah for multiplayer events in Mass Effect 3. The event will run through this weekend, ending on March 10th. Almost every weekend since Mass Effect 3 was released, BioWare has hosted such an event, with new rewards for devoted players.

Lodestar will feature three tiers of bonuses. Everyone who participates will earn a Commendation Pack. Teams able to complete extraction against four waves of enemies on Silver will earn a second Commendation Pack, as well as a new banner that reads, "Stood Fast, Stood Strong, Stood Together." Doing the same on Platinum will earn the above rewards, and a third bonus Commendation Pack.

In the words of Admiral Stephen Hackett, "I cannot fully express my deep respect for all of you, the sapients of the Milky Way who serve together under our banner. When future generations look back on this war, they will see the courage and commitment it takes to change the fate of a galaxy. It has been a hard road, but at last: the end is in sight."

"Finish it."

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