Five Best Video Game Mans at Karate (5×5)
The sacred skills of martial arts have honed many a man into a vicious killing machine. From the old school practices of ancient dojos to mentally-imprinted cyborg ninjas, there's never a shortage of tough guys looking show off the skills to pay the bills. Is the world's best karate man from a fighting game? Or perhaps it's that lightning quick lad from a ninja-filled action title? Check out this week's 5x5 to find out who really is the best arooound.
Arcade Sushi and Continue? team to bring you 5×5, a weekly list show that tackles the issues no one else will talk about. Which gaming characters have the best mustaches? What five characters should be expelled from Super Smash Bros. forever? These guys will let you know, and they’ll let each other know how wrong they all are.
Have an idea for a 5×5 you really want to see? Email Staff(at)ArcadeSushi(dot)com, and maybe we’ll use your submission in a future episode.
Written by Luke Brown, Paul Ritchey, Josh Henderson, Nick Murphy and Mike Sadorf
Shot and Edited by Make Film Do Good
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