Tales of Hearts R Getting Dual Voice-Overs and More
Namco Bandai has announced the newest details for its Tales series' newest entry, Tales of Hearts R.
Fans of Japanese voice-overs rejoice, Namco Bandai has announced that Tales of Hearts R is going to feature both its original Japanese voice-overs along with its English-dubbed audio. The game will allow you to change between the two whenever you would like. Hearts R will also have the option to subtitle its dialogue in English, French, Italian, German and Spanish, opening the door for this combat-filled role-playing game to fans worldwide.
Tales of Hearts R has you playing as Kor, a would-be swordsman who lives in a small fishing village by the sea. One day, Kor's grandfather, who normally acts as his fighting instructor, gives him a special weapon. Kor finds himself wielding a Soma, a special kind of weapon that runs on Spiria, which is the life force of the world where all feelings and consciousness originate. Kor finds a woman named Kohaku, who is under the spell of a witch. As Kor tries to save her from the witch's curse, he actually depletes Kohaku of her Spiria, leaving her void of all emotion. Now, Kor must find a way to save the young woman for whom he feels responsible.
Be ready to partake in the Tales' signature Linear Motion Battle System once again when Tales of Hearts R launches this winter for PS Vita.
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