Tales Games Not Coming to Vita in North America
Sadly for Vita owners in North America, the Tales games will not be coming across the Pacific for the platform. Why wouldn't such great games get localized for North America?
Well, in a recent Kotaku interview with Tales series producer Hideo Baba, poor Vita sales are cited as the main reasons why the Tales games won't be coming over to North America on the console.
This is sad for those of us who want some handheld Tales goodness, but at least we'll still be able to play some Tales games on the PS3. But once again, that comes with a caveat, according to Baba.
A lot of hardcore JRPG fans like playing with the original Japanese voice-over with English subtitles, but evidently the new Tales games for PlayStation 3 may only have the English dubs. There is still a bit of hope for Tales of Xillia since Baba and the team working on it are considering including the Japanese audio tracks.
Tales of Xillia will be out for the PlayStation 3 sometime this summer. What do you think? Should they localize the Tales Vita games for North America? Would you buy a Vita just for them?