These robot pals put their circuits on the line to get us to the end of their respective games and they do it in sheer, sleek style. These are the 10 best robot buddies in video games.
On January 18, 2010, millions of gamers were shocked, as BioWare killed Commander Shepard in the opening scenes of what is arguably one of the best action-RPGs of its generation, Mass Effect 2.
If you've got a need for more Mass Effect, then you might be interested to know that BioWare is considering a remaster and is polling fans on desired features.
The project leader and director of some of our favorite RPGs, including the Mass Effect trilogy and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, has left BioWare after 16 years of game development.
This is it, folks. If Moxxi manages to win against Miranda Lawson from Mass Effect 2, then she'll be inducted into the Cosplay Hall of Fame. Make those votes count!
Mad Moxxi's hot streak is heating up even more, especially now that she's defeated Ulala. Moxxi's used to hunting psycho bandits, but how will she fare against Mass Effect's Jack, a psycho with biotic powers?