We hope that your PlayStation Store Wallet has got some available funds, because the Capcom Publisher Sale aims to deplete it with its many discounted games.
Over 20 excellent titles for the PlayStation 3 and PS Vita are available this weekend for only $9.99 each, including BioShock Infinite and DmC: Devil May Cry.
Once considered an important new franchise for next gen hardware, Lost Planet has struggled to keep itself in the public eye through recent years. Since it launched as one of the prettiest early Xbox 360 games, Lost Planet has tumbled from AAA international hit to a forgotten franchise. In fact, Lost Planet had such cache that it was one of a very few titles that was on its way to the silver scre
Lost Planet 3 has been delayed a second time. The game, which made a splash at last year’s E3, has been pushed back to an August 27th release date. Originally, the game was delayed from an early 2013 release date to a June release window this year.
If you're in the mood to obliterate a race of horrific looking creatures, just hold the fort until summer. Capcom has announced Lost Planet 3 will be released in North America on June 25th for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. With a new game comes an entirely new giant Akrid named the Carrier, and as you can see it's still an ugly looking creature.