For a time, the rhythm game genre was flush with games vying for your attention. While it could be argued there was a bit of oversaturation in the marketplace, the disappearance of these peripheral-based games happened so suddenly, it was as if they never existed at all. Then a funny thing happened. Somewhere out in the ether, the idea for a resurgence took hold. It was as if someone shouted from the rooftops, "Let there be (virtual) rock!" Freestyle Games answered the call for Activision, and the Guitar Hero franchise was never the same. In fact, it was better than it ever was.
Guitar Hero Live is not the Guitar Hero you remember. Gone are the fictional fantasy worlds and over-the-top shredders on stage. Now we have a band rocking an actual stadium with screaming fans hanging on every note or the song’s actual music video playing like it was on '90s-era MTV. A new controller layout makes playing the GH guitar feel more realistic than ever. I got the chance to try it out at a private pre-E3 event, and what I thought would be an ordinary music game experience really impressed me.
This October, the music genre returns in a big way with the most iconic names in the game bringing all-new efforts to the front. Developed by FreeStyle Games, the team behind the memorable DJ Hero series, Guitar Hero Live isn't just a resurrection of the brand; it's a drastic reinvention of the game that helped launch a craze.
At the front of Guitar Hero's return is a spanking-new controller, one that changes the way you play, while still being familiar enough that it's incredibly easy to fall back into without much effort. But the revamped guitar controller is just the beginning when it comes to FreeStyle's ambitious reworking of a series that desperately needed a kick in the pants.
FreeStyle Games has announced 10 new songs that are going to be included in Guitar Hero Live's library, as hundreds more will be available on its launch date.
Activsion's Guitar Hero Live was announced late last month, but the development team has been slowly rolling out new details on what songs and artists to expect.