Rhombus of Ruin is short, but it does well as a VR game, a reminder of the colorful quirk many of us like about the Psychonauts world and a teaser of what’s coming next.
Double Fine promised a classic point-and-click title when it launched its crowd-funding campaign three long years ago, but the developer didn’t just rely on nostalgia. Instead, it made a game that captures the humor of the games Tim Schafer worked on at LucasArts while creating a modern aesthetic that totally suits the story.
Behold the trailer for Last Life, a project developed by Sam Farmer and presented by Double Fine which tasks you with solving your own murder... on Mars.
Double Fine's Kickstarter legend and record-setter Broken Age arrived today for backers, but the rest of us the wait will be a little bit longer. Fortunately, it won't be too long.
Today’s Jam Game Showcase may stretch the definition of “fan game”, but still deserves to be showcased nonetheless. It was developed as part of Double Fine’s Amnesia Fortnight Game Jam. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the idea of a Game Jam, it basically asks participants to build a low tech video game in a very short period of time. You may be familiar with many Game Jam projects that ha
After THQ went belly up, the rights to all the games it published were sold off to the highest bidders. Unfortunately for Double Fine, that meant watching its properties Costume Quest and Stacking get snapped up by Nordic Games.
When the original trailer for Dropchord was released, people responded with a resounding “huh?” Now that the game has been officially shown at PAX East, we finally know what all these blinking lights mean.