Dennaton Games has started taking orders for a physical box set of Hotline Miami 1 and 2, but the company remains adamant that Wrong Number is the last call for Jacket and Richter.
There are some new elements of course, but where I expected a build on the previous game's mechanics into a brand new experience instead became the same basic feel in a different scenario. Hotline Miami 2 indeed has the Wrong Number in its title, it should read 1.5.
Last August, ESC Toys and Dennaton Games turned to Kickstarter in an attempt to bring the protagonist of Hotline Miami to life in action figure form. The hope was to turn Jacket into a sixth-scale collectible, with all manner of accessories and authentic clothing pulled from the game itself to accompany him. With a fairly modest $60,000 goal, the venture was funded in less than 24 hours, and went on to secure nearly two and a half times its target by the time all was said and done.
Dennaton Games' sequel to its hit Hotline Miami still doesn't have a release date, but to sate fans' appetites, there's a new digital comic series coming.
Dennaton Games delayed the release of its top-down action game, Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number, but it didn't give out an official release date... until now?