Project Awakened Still A Reality Despite Kickstarter Setback
Despite failing to meet its Kickstarter goal, Project Awakened refuses to go gentle into that good night. On the title's official site, Phosphor Games is asking gamers to take a survey on whether crowdfunding via PayPal is a viable option.
The survey will last for a week, and the results of the survey will be made public. If fans collectively pledge over $350-$500,000, Phosphor Games will start a six week fundraising campaign via credit card and PayPal. A closed Beta on Project Awakened is also promised by late next year, and the developers will also have a Create A Player Sandbox Prototype available for viewing this year.
The Sandbox Prototype, according to Phosphor, harkens back to a previous Create a Player video but with, "more abilities, a decent set of visual outfit, and more objects and AI to mess around with."
If the survey doesn't call for a new campaign, Project Awakened will still be worked on by the developers, but "slowly" and on their own "spare time."
Creating your own player with customized special abilities is a huge selling point for Project Awakened, and hopefully the Unreal Engine 4 driven project will find the support it deserves.
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