Pokemon X and Y Fan Art: Part 3
It's time once again to honor the fans of Pokemon X and Y who have taken it upon themselves to use their artistic talents in order to express their fandom. The games might not be released yet, but that's irrelevant! We've already shown you some excellent fan art in our Part 1 and Part 2 articles, now let's check out some more excellent pieces of Pokemon X and Y fanart!
This wee, little Sylveon looks pretty ethereal, which is fitting for a Fairy-Type.
Ami-CatAmi-Cat Find Us, Chespin
Here we see a bunch of Chespin playing hide-and-seek and just being the adorable little critters they are.
OnixTymimeOnixTymime Dedenne and Coke-Mon
How much do you want to bet that ill-informed parents are going to call this thing "Pikachu" for the next 10 years?
CottonKawiCottonKawi Mega Ampharos
The announcement of Mega Evolutions has folks in a tizzy. Check out this elegant Mega Ampharos!
DaisyDuke 14DaisyDuke 14 Let's Jump Over Fences
This Gogoat looks strong enough to jump over any ridge!
MBlockMBlock VS Mega Blaziken
So an Absol, a Honedge and a Mega Blaziken walk into a bar...
Mejiro KunMejiro Kun Mega Lucario
If Mega Lucario doesn't show up in Super Smash Bros., we're going to have words with Nintendo.
MomoreoMomoreo Mega Lucario in a Pokeball
With all of the technology we have, we still can't make functioning Pokeballs?!
Jonathan JoJonathan Jo New Girl
Serena sure has some unique fashion sense. We can't wait to see her adventures in Pokemon X and Y.
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