Pokemon ORAS-Themed Cafe Opens in Japan
It looks like the two dozen Starbucks locations in Tokyo are going to lose some business as this adorable Pokemon Cafe opens its doors.
According to Kotaku, Tokyo is getting a Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire-themed cafe, which is going to be opening on Jan. 9. This place does coffee and other kinds of beverages, along with a food menu consisting of dishes that would make Professor Oak proud. There are all sorts of cheerful Pokemon images throughout the whole place, like decals, wall stickers and a plethora of Pokemon plushies. The cafe's waitresses are dressed up in cute Pikachu outfits as well.
Pokemon Cafe: Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire will open on Jan. 9 in Shibuya City and will only be opened for a limited time (it's expected to close in late February).
Read between the lines, people:
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