Luftrausers Enters PS3 And PS Vita Dogfight This Spring
Vlambeer, the developers behind the new iOS title Ridiculous Fishing, is bringing the fighter pilot title Luftrausers to the PS Vita and PlayStation 3 this spring with a little help from publisher Devolver Digital.
Vlambeer co-founder Rami Ismail talked about the big news on the PlayStation Blog, where he explained the reason for Luftrausers' availability on the two platforms. "We'll be honest with you - the reason this game is going to hit PS3 and PS Vita is because we loved working with Sony when we made Super Crate Box," wrote Ismail. "We think both platforms are great and we obviously want you to be able to play our games - but we don't like dealing with people that treat us as some sort of commercial asset only. We want to work with people that love games as much as we love working on them."
The title, which boasts over 125 combinations of weaponry and over 100 missions, will cost $9.99. Ismail is also promising more satisfying plane crashes and impossible missions for Luftrausers, which will also be available on Windows PC, Mac, and Linux. According to the Vlambeer's official site, the original game, which was the free Flash title Luftrauser, was created by Ismail, artist Paul Veer, and musician Kozilek in just two days!
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