Lead Designer of Infamous: Second Son Leaves Sucker Punch Productions
In the latest of major studio departures, Jamie Griesemer has left Sony's Sucker Punch Productions.
In yet another recent major studio departure, IGN has found on Jamie Griesemer's LinkedIn profile that he has parted ways with Sucker Punch Productions. Griesemer was the lead designer of Infamous: Second Son. Griesemer's Twitter has also confirmed his departure from Sucker Punch as well.
Prior to working at Sucker Punch Productions, Jamie Griesemer did 12 years of service at Bungie, doing developmental work for the main Halo trilogy, Halo: Reach, Halo Wars and acted as a designer for the early stages of Destiny.
Infamous: Second Son will be hitting store shelves on March 21. Griesemer's departure had no effect on the final product.