Humble Might & Magic Bundle: Classic RPGs for Charity
Those wanting to play some classic RPGs while hoping to donate to a noteworthy cause should check out the Humble Might & Magic Bundle.
Humble has announced its new Might & Magic Bundle, which offers a ton of classic PC RPGs for you to enjoy. As with each Humble Bundle, you pay whatever you'd like for an excellent collection of games. If you pay a few dollars more, you'll get even more titles. Humble gives you the chance to pay what you want for a set of awesome PC titles while letting you allocate how much gets sent to the games' developers, Humble itself and charity. This bundle's proceeds will go towards helping Doctors Without Borders, Charity: Water and The American Red Cross.
Anyone who pays $1 or more will get Heroes of Might & Magic II: Gold Edition, Heroes of Might & Magic IV: Complete Edition, Might & Magic: 1 to 6 collection and Might & Magic Heroes Online - Angel Starter Pack. Those who offer more than the average payment (currently at $12.07) will get the previously mentioned games as well as Heroes of Might & Magic V, Might & Magic Heroes VI - Gold Edition, Dark Messiah of Might & Magic, Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes and Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes - I Am the Boss DLC.
Any generous folk willing to pay $15 or more get the contents of both bundles above plus Might & Magic X Legacy, Heroes of Might & Magic 3 - HD Edition, Might & Magic X Legacy - The Falcon & The Unicorn DLC, Might & Magic Heroes VI - Shades of Darkness and Might & Magic Duel of Champions – Starter Pack.
Humble notes that other games will be added on May 5. The Humble Might & Magic Bundle will be offered until May 12.