Greatest Game Art Ever (This Week): TMNT, Juri, Samus + More
Have you not had your fill of eyecandy for the week? Good, because the Greatest Game Art Ever is here to make your minds explode with the delicious melding of video games and art. If you've ever felt the need to see amazing mash-ups brought to life or tributes to some of the best games out there in different mediums, then this is the place for you. Don't believe us? Just scroll through the gallery below to be treated to some of the best video game-based art anywhere on the Internet.
We’re dying to see all the art you’ve come across or created in honor of your favorite games. If you have an artist or portfolio you’d like us to check out, please submit a link to Additionally, if there are any artists that we’ve highlighted that wish their works to be removed, please reach out to let us know. Where possible, please visit these artists’ websites to see more of their work, buy their products or commission an original piece.
Tomb Raider by jefflangevin
The Art of Goombing by supermagritte
Samus by Mr--Jack
Kermit as Solid Snake by Amy Mebberson
The Joy by RoboChandler
Gaucamelee by Eric Meister
Evil and the Oni by theCHAMBA
Juri by edwinhuang
Take a Girl for a Ride by Quirkilicious
Shadow of the Colossus by ProcerDeCrepusculum
Megaman Tribute by MoonFX
Mario Kart by emroca
Legend of Zelda by NicolasRix
Majora's Mask: Terrible Fate by uniqueLegend
Beyond...Two Souls (Quantic Dream) Village by jdahal
Samus vs. Ridley by Adam Sidwell
BioShock Infinite by Patrick Brown
Mario vs. Big Daddy by SebastianvonBuchwald
TMNT Arcade by msynowicz
The Happy Little Hunter by Joe Spiotto