Greatest Game Art Ever (This Week): Tentacruel, Fennekin, Eevee + More
It's time to appreciate a gallery full of fan art of the world of Pokemon. those lovable creatures that keep us up at night thanks to our obsession with catching, training and trading them.
Over the years, we've dumped countless hours into the Pokemon games, repeating the cycle of catching, training, battling, breeding, competing and more. These games have captured our imaginations and have ignited the sparks of competitiveness within. It's not enough that we must catch them all, but we also have to be the very best --- like no one ever was.
While we might not live in the fantastic world of Pokemon, we can always see it brought to life thanks to the work of artists on the Internet. Here's a small collection of fantastic fan art that bring our pocket pals to life. Make sure you don't pine for the world of Pokemon too hard after viewing the gallery.
We’re dying to see all the art you’ve come across or created in honor of your favorite games. If you have an artist or portfolio you’d like us to check out, please submit a link to John-at-ArcadeSushi.com. Additionally, if there are any artists that we’ve highlighted who wish their works to be removed, please reach out to let us know. Where possible, please visit these artists’ websites to see more of their work, buy their products or commission an original piece.
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