Final Fantasy XV’s Driving Looks Ridiculous and Fun
It's fun, it's silly, it's repetitive and it's awesome — this is what driving is like in Final Fantasy XV.
Square Enix's quartet of Japanese Hot Topic models are back in this new gameplay video of Final Fantasy XV. We get to see Final Fantasy XV's driving mechanics in full force during this gameplay demonstration that shows what life is like on the open road. Noctis, Prompto, Gladiolus and Ignis are driving cross country and there are all kind of adventures to be had. You'll have the option to control the driving yourself or to let the chauffeur AI steer the vehicle for you (you can switch on the fly). Either way, there are four different camera styles that will let you see what's on the road ahead and to check out the scenery you're passing. While cars have been featured in previous Final Fantasy games, FFXV marks the first time it has become a pivotal part of world exploration.
Despite all the guys you'll be sharing the car with, it looks like Ignis will be the only one driving. Since Gladiolus is the bodyguard of Noctis, the two will always be sitting in the backseat together, with Prompto having dibs on the front passenger seat. In terms of camera modes, you can use the Joyride View that is more about casual driving. Tail View puts the camera low to the ground, behind the car and feels very GTA-ish. Scenic View is best with the AI chauffeur activated so you can pan the camera around and take in the gorgeous landscapes of FFXV. Of course, there's a first-person view so you can see from Ignis' perspective in the driver's seat. I have to admit, the character animations during the car rides got awfully repetitive within the first few minutes of the video.
Final Fantasy XV will launch sometime in 2016 (most likely late 2016) for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
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