Final Fantasy 7 Remake Trailer: Returning to 7th Heaven
It's official — Cloud, Barret, Tifa and the rest of the gang will return in a full-fledged remake of Final Fantasy VII.
Praise be to Jenova, after almost two decades and three generations of consoles, Final Fantasy VII is getting a full remake for the PlayStation 4. The fans have been shouting at Square Enix to get this remake done for over 18 years, and they finally gave in. In my opinion, the Final Fantasy series has been in a state of decline over the past decade, often featuring bands of uninspired, cliche characters going on some rather forgettable adventures, especially when compared to the first ten entries of the series. Now, we're finally returning to the game that made the franchise a household name.
This cinematic trailer gave us a look at Midgar's underbelly (most likely Sector 7). We get to see a glimpse of Barret Wallace's gun-arm and a view of Cloud Strife from behind as they were walking through town. Here's to hoping Tifa is somewhere at the bar getting the drinks ready.
Square Enix and Sony did not reveal any kind of launch window for FFVII, but the "play it first on PlayStation" tagline suggests that it will be hitting PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. With director Tetsuya Nomura and Square Enix currently focusing on Kingdom Hearts III and FFXV, we have a feeling we won't see this highly anticipated remake launch until 2017, which coincides with Final Fantasy VII's 20th anniversary.
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