Final Fantasy 15’s Camping Explained, Hour of Gameplay Footage
We learned what the big deal is about having cookouts and campfires in Final Fantasy XV. We also found a video featuring hour of impressive looking gameplay to boot.
According to Kotaku, camping plays a pivotal role in the gameplay of Final Fantasy XV. The most recent issue of Famitsu reveals that cooking helps the team level up. While this concept might sound ridiculous and quite different from what Final Fantasy vets are used to, it kind of makes sense. Fighting warrants experience points -- that's a no-brainer. The difference here is that camping actually channels your party members' accumulated exp into gained levels. This could mean that your team could stay at their specific levels for extended periods of time until they finally camp. Ignis, the group's driver and chef, will be able to provide meals while camping that will give your party status buffs, replenished HP and other bonuses. Based on the picture below, there is also a Cooking Level system in place so Ignis will be able to learn different kinds of dishes over time.
Thanks again to Kotaku, we have found an hour of gameplay footage from Final Fantasy XV's Episode Duscae demo. The gameplay starts around the 34:00 mark. Just remember, this will pretty much spoil parts of the demo for you. Nevertheless, it's always great to see more footage of Noctis and the boys.
Those who would like to play the FFXV demo themselves will have to buy a copy of Final Fantasy Type-0 HD, which launches on March 17 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One (this is the only way you'll be able to get the demo). Unfortunately, Final Fantasy XV doesn't have a launch window yet, but we have a feeling we won't be seeing any kind of Western release until 2016.
Better play this song while you're at the campfire: