This latest Drakengard 3 video explores the more mature story in the game with Takamasa Shiba, the game's producer.

In the video, he discusses how technology and the market has changed, so he wanted to make sure he could provide something unique in an effective way. His end goal was to give players an experience unlike anything they've seen yet. Part of this will be through a gameplay featured called "Intoner Mode."

As the protagonist, Zero, fights, she gets covered in blood. If she's covered in enough blood, she'll go into Intoner Moder and basically go berserk. This is to provide fast-paced action for players during the game, since Japanese players claimed the combat sequences in Drakengard 1 and 2 were too slow.

Another way that the developers want to expand on the experience is by providing narratives for all of the non-player characters the player meets. Shiba hopes that by learning about a character first, a player's experience with them in battle will be changed, since they'll be more informed about their motivations and personality.

Watch the video above for more on the development of Drakengard 3. Don't forget that you can still pre-order the game and continue unlocking waves for bonus pre-order items. If you pre-order between now and April 9, you'll unlock the Nier Costume Pack.

Drakengard 3 will be released for PlayStation 3 on May 20.

Drakengard 3
Square Enix

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