Black Rock Shooter – Cosplay of the Day
To celebrate the announcement of Black Rock Shooter's release date for North American PSPs, we decided to feature the rock-launching android herself! She's tasked with saving the world from aliens and making sure humanity isn't wiped out, but, perhaps more importantly, she's also our Cosplay of the Day!
As far as battle androids go, the Black Rock Shooter is on the cuter side of the spectrum, rocking pigtails, minimalist clothing, and a really big gun that launches hot-ass rocks at her opponents. We wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that thing, so we're glad that we're not world-destroying aliens.
Brazilian cosplayer Mariana has decided to pose as the lovely little android, although she's decidedly more buxom than the character model. But you won't find us complaining since her portrayal looks fun and even tries to recreate some of the chain-and-checkerboard motifs you often see in different pieces of Black Rock Shooter art. She's also not hefting around a huge rock-shootin' gun, but we won't hold that against her.
Check out some more of Mariana's work on her deviantART and marvel at her cosplay skills. She's also got a version of Evangelion's Asuka in a bunny girl suit, so definitely take a look at that after you're done scrolling through the pictures below!
Want your Cosplay to be seen? Send your info to and we may feature you in our Cosplay of the Day!