Artist Vadu Amka Whips Up Custom Castlevania SNES
Artist Vadu Amka brings us another amazing custom console— this time with the flavor of blood. This custom Castlevania IV Super Nintendo comes decorated with many of the central aesthetic elements of the SNES classic.
According to Vadu, this beautifully modded Super Nintendo was built per the request of Noob web series actor Sparadrap, who is a lifelong Castlevania fan. Sparadrap should be pretty pleased with this magnificent piece, as it definitely fits the Castlevania aesthetic. A coffin wrapped in chains sits neatly at the SNES's corner, a skull stares at you as you try to decide which game to play, bloody claw marks mar the wooden barricades adorning the front of the console, and, of course, Vadu Amka's Castlevania painting across the cartridge port brings the entire thing together.
This talented artist has long been known for incorporating game aesthetics into console decorations, and once again he's managed to infuse the flavor of an entire game into a single physical work. Hey, Vadu, if you're listening, we'll take a custom Mega Man Nintendo and a custom Super Metroid SNES, please and thank you.
You can check out more images of the custom console below.
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