AMD and PC Gamer are teaming up for a big presentation during E3 2015, featuring studios like Blizzard, Square Enix, Boss Key Productions and more.

PC gaming will have its own major presentation at E3 2015, thanks to the collaborative efforts of AMD and PC Gamer. This marks one of the first times that PC gaming will be having a staged event during E3, whereas previous E3 events would usually just give some showroom floor space to PC hardware developers, like AMD and Nvidia, to showcase some new tech goodies. We know that there are a few PC gaming skeptics out there reading this who might think the presentation will just talk about nothing but graphics cards, but there will be a lot more to it than that.

"The PC Gaming Show embodies the spirit of innovation, openness and community that's part of our DNA—delivered by gamers, for gamers," AMD Corporate Vice President and General Manager of Computing and Graphics Matt Skynner said. "The time is right for a PC-focused event in the week of E3 and we're honored to be part of bringing the industry together."

PC Gamer has announced that their AMD collaborative presentation at E3 will feature Dean Hall of DayZ fame, Cliff Bleszinski of Boss Key Productions and many noteworthy studios, including Square Enix, Bohemia Interactive, Blizzard, Cloud Imperium Games, Devolver Digital, Humble Bundle, Paradox and Obsidian, so we're expecting some impressive, new trailers.

"We’re living in a golden age of PC gaming, but unlike other platforms the PC has no format holder, no marketing department, and—until now—no event during E3 week purely devoted to it," added Tim Clark, global editor-in-chief at PC Gamer. "We think a show like this, which brings together people from every corner of PC gaming to celebrate the exciting things happening, is long overdue. We hope you’ll join us, in person or on stream, to be part of it."

AMD and PC Gamer's PC Gaming Show will begin on June 16 at the Belasco Theater in Los Angeles, CA.

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