Amaterasu (Okami) – Cosplay of the Day
Amaterasu is the Shinto sun goddess who took on the form of a wolf to combat the powers of darkness in the game, Okami! And here she is, gracing us with her presence as today's Cosplay of the Day.
Her adventure through a watercolored folkloric Japan was one of the most memorable gaming experiences in a lot of players' minds, and she definitely stands out as a pretty unique fighter in Marvel vs Capcom 3. Her use of the Celestial Brush literally painted the gaming landscape with a beautiful new mechanic. Though she is a silent protagonist, her expressions (both with the brush and without), have endeared her to a lot of players.
This is k-mero, a Malaysian cosplayer who's crafted a pretty impressive gijinka (anthropomorphic costume), based on Amaterasu's wolf form. We like to think that this is what the goddess would look like when she's not rushing around on all fours and howling. It's a bit reminiscent of an outfit that a Shinto miko (shrine maiden), might wear, which makes sense since Ammy is a Shito goddess, She's even got the ears represented without making it look too obvious, which is something we can appreciate.
Take a look at the rest of k-mero's deviantART to see pictures of some cool Vocaloid cosplay outfits and other pieces of art!
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