Xbox Steps up its Games With Gold Program with May Additions
Xbox brings both beauty and gut-busting hilarity with the two free games being offered through its Games With Gold service for the month of May.
Continuing from its excellent choices of Hitman: Absolution and Deadlight last month, the Xbox Wire has announced that Xbox 360 players will be getting Dust: An Elysian Tail and Saints Row: The Third throughout May with the Games With Gold service. Xbox has been receiving a lot of criticism for still not offering any free Xbox One titles with the Games With Gold program yet while PlayStation 4 owners have been getting a free game every month on PlayStation Plus since the console's launch. While Xbox has also been criticized for its relatively lackluster offerings in the past, April and May's free titles show that the company means business and have been listening to the public's outcries.
Dust: An Elysian Tail offers beautiful, watercolor-esque visuals with its 2D, side-scrolling gameplay. It will be offered through the Games With Gold program from May 1-16. For the rest of the month, Xbox Live Gold subscribers will be able to download Saints Row: The Third for free. Downloading both of these titles will score you over $35 in free games just for having an Xbox Live Gold subscription.
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