WWE SuperCard Update Brings in New Wrestlers, Animations and More
2K is releasing more content for WWE Supercard faster than the Big Show can do a heel turn.
WWE SuperCard is getting a huge update for iOS and Android devices, 2K Sports has announced. Over 60 new cards, a new "Survivor rarity level (yay Sting!) and 24 new in-ring animations have been added to this collectible card game. The Survivor card type brings the game up to eight different levels of rarity. The new cards being added into the game include another John Cena card, The Rock and many more. There are also new Manager Support and WWE 2K15-themed cards being added (there better be one for Paul Heyman and one for "The Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart). Drop rates have been improved and certain rewards have been rebalanced.
Here's to hoping that there more NXT guys that get added to the game, like Adrian Neville, Sami Zayn and Mr. Wrestling himself, Kevin Steen.