In an interview with Rock, Paper, Shotgun, marketing executive Michael Platkow-Gilewski revealed that the combat style for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will vary from The Witcher 2.

"What happened in Witcher 2 is that people were telling us that the combat was just a little bit too arcade, to be honest," said Platkow-Gilewski. "What we decided is to go a bit more over to the tactics side, to give you the feeling of having absolute control over the battlefield."

Part of having that control is having an improved camera system. During the fight sequences, players have a full view of their enemies. Even if Geralt is surrounded, he will be able to see everything that's going on behind him.

Although The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt won't be available until the arrival of next gen consoles, fans can look forward to an intricate final chapter to Geralt's journey. "We're planning a lot of twists," added Platkow-Gilewski, "And I won't tell you exactly what the level of the twists might be, but...we had to think about this game as the final part of the trilogy. In this part, a lot of things will happen. A lot of mysteries will be solved."

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