The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone Release Date Announced
Things are looking bleak for Geralt as he takes on the nefarious bandit captain Olgierd von Everec in Hearts of Stone, The Witcher 3's upcoming expansion.
Whether you've spent 50 hours in the Northern Realms of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt or 100, you probably still haven't seen it all. The Witcher 3's Hearts of Stone expansion is an adventure that is expected to add 10 hours of fresh gameplay to Geralt's quest. You're going to encounter new characters, take on all kinds of new bounties, find some love and craft your own storyline based on the actions you have Geralt make.
The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone will launch on Oct. 13 for all versions of the game. The second expansion, Blood and Wine, which opens up the Toussaint zone, will launch in early 2016. As you'd expect, this downloadable content expansion will be available digitally, but a limited boxed edition will be released as well. Priced at $19.99, this physical edition of Hearts of Stone will feature two full decks of real Gwent cards, a collector's box, Gwent tokens and a digital code for the DLC. Hearts of Stone will also be included as a part of The Witcher 3's $24.99 expansion pass, which will eventually include the Blood and Wine expansion. CD Projekt Red community lead Marcin Momot recently admitted on Twitter that Hearts of Stone can be played either after or during the main story, just as long as you're level 30 when you start the expansion (you'll probably have a large portion of the game completed by then). Heart of Stone will also scale up for New Game Plus mode as well.
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