Watch the Contagion and Outbreak-esque story of Tom Clancy's The Division unfold in this dark trailer focusing on a horrific epidemic plaguing New York.
It's natural for a video game to throw as many obstacles as it can at a player to test their in-game abilities, but the new area introduced for Tom Clancy's The Division is simply sadistic. The Dark Zone is a brand new PvP section of the game that turns the already intense shooter into an experience where you simply can't trust anyone, and my hands-on time with it at E3 proved just how insane it was.
In the latest chapter of "As The Division Turns," Ubisoft has announced the addition of another division to The Division, specifically the team at Ubisoft Annecy.
This cinematic trailer Ubisoft released at E3 hints at some of the death and misfortune that has plagued New York residents in Tom Clancy’s The Division.