
10 Best Space Adventurers in Video Games
10 Best Space Adventurers in Video Games
10 Best Space Adventurers in Video Games
When it comes to video games set in the sci-fi sea of darkness, it’s not always a central character that takes the spotlight of these interstellar ventures, but more than a few characters have stepped up through the ranks and made a name for themselves in gaming history.
10 Best Metroidvania Games
10 Best Metroidvania Games
10 Best Metroidvania Games
The past few years have seen a ton of Metroidvania games pop up on nearly every console available so it’s only natural to wonder which are the best. These are the 10 Best Metroidvania Games.
10 Game Franchises That Should've Stayed 2D
10 Game Franchises That Should've Stayed 2D
10 Game Franchises That Should've Stayed 2D
We've seen countless classics known for side-scrolling and 2D gaming fail to make the jump to 3D over the years. The success of Final Fantasy VII, Super Mario 64 and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time left numerous studios and publishers experimenting and trying to shoehorn their famous franchises into some kind of 3D game to try and recreate the success that those games had. Unfortunately, not every major video game series was able to properly make the transition to 3D and abandon its top-down or side-scrolling roots.